Walter White Vs Rick Grimes: Epic ‘Breaking Bad’/’Walking Dead’ Rap Battle

Two instantly recognisable television universes have collided, pitting megalomaniac meth-cook Walter White against megalomaniac cop-turned-zombie killer Rick Grimes in a rap battle to end all rap battles.

Both fathers, both fighting for a future that seems more uncertain each day each day… This clash of the titans sees no punches pulls as the two bro down in a surprisingly sharp and witty manner. Very out of character for ol’ Grimes.

Characters and plot developments from Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead are put under the microscope, with more than a few cheap shots at the others’ family to spice things up.

Walt, you’re gonna need more than Ricin to get out of this one. And, Rick, it’s been four seasons, bro, take off the uniform.

Watch: Rick Grimes Vs Walter White Rap Battle

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