10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hanni El Khatib

There’s few better ways to discover who you are than taking a road trip, and Californian singer-songwriter Hanni El Khatib was given the trip of a lifetime courtesy of Corona Extra, who chucked him onto a bus bound for the Mexican coast with a crew of fellow creatives, surfers, and skaters.

Joining Hanni were surfers Ozzie Wright and Dylan Graves, skateboarder Andrew Brophy, artists Jeff Canham and Rose Ashton, and filmmaker Riley Blakeway, who documented the group’s seven days and seven nights of surfing, skating, creating, and drinking in the film Someplace Else.

Having recently concluded his trip of self-discovery, we were interested to know more about Hanni, and he was more than willing to oblige. Among the tidbits shared are his daily morning ritual, the time he got stung by a scorpion in the desert, and his knowledge of both US history and R Kelly lyrics.

1. Every morning I pack a dip, eat beef jerky, and drink one Coors Light before I walk my dog.

2. I own 23 pairs of Air Jordans.

3. I once got stung by a scorpion and had to be carried three miles back to our car by my friend and photographer Nick Walker in the middle of the desert near Twentynine Palms, California.

4. I’m really good at photorealistic oil paintings.

5. I can recite the lyrics to every R Kelly song ever written and recorded.

6. When I was 19, I spent four months in Chiang Mai, Thailand training to be a Muay Thai fighter.

7. I’m an excellent sushi chef and hit the Japanese fish market twice a week at five am.

8. I can name every US president and vice president in chronological order.

9. When I’m home in LA, I occasionally go to clubs and bars that have open mic comedy nights and test out material that I write while on tour.

10. I’m really good at lying.

Watch: Corona Extra presents Someplace Else

Gallery: Corona Extra presents Someplace Else

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