Mammal Cancel all Touring and Break Up… Finally

Eternal purveyors of rubbish whatever-rock Mammal are calling it quits, here’s the story from the Horse’s mouth

‘Due to long standing personal, political, musical and business differences, MAMMAL has decided it cannot continue and is no more.

Ezekiel Ox will be releasing the debut album for his folk/rock outfit The Ox And The Fury early 2010, as well as continuing to work with super-producer and long time friend Forrester Savell on their new incarnation Smash Nova. He will also continue his activist work with Musicians Against Police Violence (MAPV) and Melbourne Copwatch.

Pete, Nick and Zane will continue to work together with a new project scheduled for 2010. Mammal would like to thank all of their families and friends for all their love and support over these last 4 years. We would also like to give thanks and love to all the great bands we have had the pleasure of sharing the stage with, in particular Cog – a big thank you for giving us our start.

But most importantly we wish to thank the fans for their unbelievably loyal and heartfelt support which gave us the opportunity to play some amazing shows, to release our records and travel the world.

We will never forget these times.

Peace, Love and Music.’

Must Read