Northlane Have Found Their New Frontman, And It’s One Of These Guys

UPDATE 20/11/14: The new frontman’s identity has been officially revealed!

It has been just over one month since Sydney metalcore favourites Northlane announced the departure of vocalist Adrian Fitipaldes along with the news that they were opening up auditions for potential new frontmen. Now the band have announced the search is over, but they’re not quite ready to name names.

“It’s an extremely busy time for Northlane, but we wanted to let everyone know that we have found the person that we believe will be our new frontman,” said the band today in a statement. “We aren’t quite ready to introduce him to you all just yet as we still have a few things to put together first,” they added.

“We can tell you that we are feeling extremely inspired, and that we are spending every waking moment working on the best way to deliver new music to our fans as soon as possible.” While fans may not know exactly who will be stepping up to the frontman position, Northlane have been very transparent with the audition process, sharing the progress of potential candidates with fans along they way.

Northlane have also assured fans that the audition process was legitimate and they didn’t already have a replacement vocalist on standby before launching the search. “We love to be creative with our marketing but we’d never do something that unethical and deceptive,” they wrote. They have confirmed that their new frontman is one of the previously announced finalists.

Round one of auditions required eager applicants to submit a cover of either Northlane’s Dream Awake or Quantum Flux – cuts off their 2013 album Singularity. The band said they were overwhelmed with talented submissions and shared a shortlist of those audition videos via Facebook for fans to have their say.

While sharing an audition tape of a cover of a Northlane song with hundreds of thousands of Northlane fans may have been daunting enough, the next round was even more exposing. Candidates were asked to share their own interpretations of the title track to Northlane’s 2013 album, Singularity, laying their own lyrics over the band’s instrumentation.

For fans this is the first look at what each of Northlane’s potential frontmen will contribute to the band, in terms of songwriting, and how they could potentially transform one of the country’s favourite hardcore acts.

In honour of the band’s announcement, we’ve compiled the finalists’ interpretations of Singularity. Flip over to the next page to get a glimpse of what the new Northlane could look like…

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