Death Cab For Cutie Blame NSFW Facebook Posts On Hackers

Death Cab For Cutie have been fraped. The Splendour 2015 act have confirmed that a handful of racy posts that appeared on their official Facebook page earlier today were in fact the work of hackers.

The Facejackery in question occurred sometime before noon (AEST) today, resulting in a great deal of confusion but also amusement and probably some sexual enlightenment for the Seattle indie-rockers’ online faithful.

As The Music reports, the offending posts have since been deleted, with the band apologising for the interruption to regularly scheduled programming.

Fortunately, the hack took place on the internet, which means plenty of punters were quick-on-the-draw to take screenshots of the two salacious posts and subsequent hilarious fan responses before they were removed.

Check out the NSFW posts below. At the time of writing, no one has claimed responsibility for the hack, but Death Cab have assured fans that “the account is now secure and fans will not be subjected to these kind of posts in the future”.

Gallery: Death Cab For Cutie @ Splendour in the Grass 2015 / Photos By Yael Stempler

DCfC's Facebook was hacked this evening and explicit content was posted to the page. The account is now secure and fans will not be subjected to these kind of posts in the future. Our sincere apologies.

Posted by Death Cab for Cutie on Wednesday, August 19, 2015

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