Kanye West’s Presidential Campaign Already Has Some High-Profile Backers

With Kanye West now poised to make a run for US president, some of his high-profile pals in the music game are, for some reason, throwing their support behind the rapper.

Since using this year’s MTV Video Music Awards to tell the world he plans to run for president in 2020, Yeezy has shown no sign of backing down, and has already seen support from the likes of Taylor Swift, Ice Cube and Rihanna.

Taking to Twitter, Taylor Swift has suggested that she and Kanye could team up and campaign as running mates in 2020. Posting a photo (below) of some flowers Yeezy sent her, Swift added the caption, “Awww Kanye sent me the coolest flowers!! #KanTay2020 #BFFs.”

So… President West and Vice President Swift, anyone?

Elsewhere, Ice Cube has told The Daily Mail that he would give Kanye his vote. “I’m voting for Kanye,” Ice Cube said. “Who is better than Kanye that would run?”

When asked if he would like to be Kanye’s right-hand-man during his presidental campaign, Ice Cube replied, “I’m not into politics like that. You know, I’m into helping my people get over the hump. I don’t have time to help everybody.”

Ice Cube also reckons it would be “cool” if Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, were First Lady. “If that’s what it is, that’s what it is,” Ice Cube said. “No matter who is the president, you got to all get up and go to work in the morning.”

Rihanna has also thrown her support behind West’s run for office, telling Entertainment Tonight, “People are voting for [Donald] Trump; who wouldn’t vote for Kanye? I’m really, really elated with his speech. His speech was incredible.”

Since announcing his looming run for president, Yeezy has been made the subject of a brilliant Twitter account making him dance to random music — even the US president’s perpetual theme song, Hail To The Chief.


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