Dinosaur Jr – one of the most influential alternative bands (they pretty much inadvertently started the whole thing) are always a killer live prospect, and this performance at the Metro was nothing less than fan-fucking-tastic. Thank fuck they decided to reform a few years ago – we should all get down on our knees and thank whatever god/idol/pornstar you believe in.
Grey haired guitar god Jay Mascis spent the evening brutalising his fretboard with an eerie calmness that was both deeply cool and a little disturbing. His partner in crime Lou Barlow was also a picture of content, although slightly more animated, but not as much as the mighty Patrick Murphy on drums. But Dinosaur Jr are not about a big spectacular show, jumping around the stage like a bunch of dicks – they just line up the amps (covering most the stage) and simply rock out like no other – seriously, no one else does it like this.
Dinosaur Jr were a roaring monster of sound, slaying the Metro with the likes of ‘Feel The Pain’, ‘Get Me’, ‘Repulsion’, and the distorted wizardry of ‘The Lung’. Their highly distinct wall of sound is abundantly evident on last year’s belting new album Farm. Four tracks made an appearance tonight – the singles ‘Over It’ and ‘Pieces’ were highlights, and so was the riffed-out ‘Plans’. The undisputed star of the show was ‘Imagination Blind’, an avalanche of raw rock n’ roll power – woo hoo! The highly polished solos and general goodness continued with ‘Freak Scene’, ‘Lose’ and ‘Budge’. The night’s opener, slacker anthem ‘Thumb’ was both laid back and really fucking heavy. As for the encore, what more could we ask for then the twisted metal chaos of ‘Kracked’, followed by the fist-to-the-face, ball-grabbing, arse-whopping aggression of ‘Sludgefeast’? Excuse me, but I need to go lie down.
And did anyone see Jay Mascis on ABCs Spicks & Specks? Talk about a chilled out guy. Very pleased he accepted their invitation and made an appearance. And very pleased Dinosaur Jr continue to tour, long may it continue – until we all go deaf that is.