Speaking to Rolling Stone, The Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne has come and said that rather than work towards releasing an album later this year the band will be releasing a song a month in 2011. Saying that the traditional method of making album seemed daunting to the band, while the song-a-month approach offered a fresh and exciting way of putting out their music, he also revealed the band will be filming the recording process and releasing each song with a videos to add up to a film they hope to release in the future.
“Not that I think the old way was boring, but to spend another two years with the same 13 songs, it’s just like fuck. I think we’re going to just start to do things and put it out. Once we get 11 or 12 songs together, maybe we’ll do something else with it. We want to try to live through our music as we create it instead of it being a collection of the last couple years of our lives,” he said.
“The dilemma is whether we’re going to release it on vinyl, cereal boxes, or some of it on toys that we make. Sometimes, the music is the simplest part of any of these things. We’ll be making these little videos that connect in the end to a bigger movie we’ll be making next year as well.”