Briggs Is Crowdfunding A “People’s Champion” Belt For Himself

Aside from releasing excellent music, Briggs has become a strong and poignant voice on racial and social issues in this country and it’s about time he had something physical to prove how much of a legend he really is.

As no one has gifted him a “championship belt” to wear, the rapper has taken matters into his own hands by starting a gofundme to fund the belt.

“I am the People’s Champion and I don’t have a belt. It’s kind of embarrassing really, to be a beltless champion,” he wrote on the gofundme page.

“There’s a big chip on my shoulder where a Championship Belt should be. Help me remove the chip and put a belt there.”

He’s asking for $606 dollars to fund the belt and he’s already raised over one third of that, meaning he won’t have to go without a belt for much longer thankfully.

There are a number of reasons why Briggs deserves a championship belt, but his actions last week are a good starting point when beginning to list them.

First, he voiced his disgust over an Aussie mother who sent her son to school dressed as his idol AFL star Nic Naitanui wearing blackface and then bragged about it. He called it a “reckless, racist thing to do,” and drew national attention to it.

He then took Hugo Gruzman from Flight Facilities to task after he said that in his opinion the boy’s costume didn’t fit the actual definition of “blackface”.

“These dudes are so sheltered and so privileged; you’re sitting back and saying you need to educate me on blackface,” Briggs told Pedestrian.

Briggs is consistently fighting the good fight and the least we could do is dig up some money for him to buy a belt that lets everyone he comes across know it.

“I think the world would be a better place if I had a belt because then, you (all of my fans) would be able to identify me as I walk around with the belt,” Briggs says about the crowdfunding exercise and we’re inclined to agree.

Make the world a better place.

Watch: Briggs – Bad Apples

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