Imperfect Minds

Music Feeds caught up with guitarist Leigh Pierce recently to ask a few questions about their heat win of a Red Letter Day band competition – not bad considering it was the young band’s first time in front of a live audience.

Like many bands, Leigh traces Imperfect Minds’ beginnings back to schoolyard friendships. “We all knew each other from school and I’d played with Kendall (drums) and Gabby (singer) beforehand. After we had a few songs we started getting serious and worked on writing and recording. After School finished for Steve (bass), Kendall and I we all decided that we wanted to start gigging. So after nearly a year now we’ve gotten ourselves together and we’re going to take this as far as we can.”

The band’s fledgling efforts did not go unnoticed, as other friends playing in bands suggested they take up an opportunity to play their first gig at a Parramatta band comp. “We have friends in bands that have done a couple of the band comps before and loved it and seeming as we wanted to start gigging we thought it would definitely be a great place to start.”

Leigh describes the sound of Imperfect Minds as Punk Rock, but elaborates on this generic description to list some of the band member’s divergent influences. “Steve and Kendall have a background in metal and some punk so that definitely influences their style of playing where Gabby and I have a background in everything from Soft Rock to Grunge. [But] it all sort of meets in the middle and the mix is working great!”

That mix apparently worked great enough to win over the audience at their first live performance and ensure a memorable experience for the band. “Playing to a live audience was amazing!” Leigh enthuses. “It was amazing to see and hear the cheering at the end! We never thought we’d have people yelling “One more song!” at the end of our set!”

So what now after this promising beginning? Leigh is confident after this positive live experience that the band are all committed to writing more material, rehearsing, and playing more shows. “We were amazed at the energy that filled the room considering it was our first proper gig! It was nerve racking but so exciting and once we all got up there it’s a completely different feeling, bloody exhilarating! I think we can all say that this is definitely something we want to keep doing – to keep practicing and writing so we improve as a band, to get tighter and write better songs – and hopefully take it to the next level.”

With this admirable work ethic it shouldn’t be long before Imperfect Minds grace our stages on a more regular basis. Mind you, Leigh hasn’t let this initial success go to his head, as he has not forgotten those beyond the band that have contributed to this bright start. “The Red Letter Day Band Comp was an amazing opportunity and to see what has come out of it since doing it is amazing! Even with 2 days notice we managed to bring people, have fun, and put on a show that – according to everyone we asked – was great! We even made a few friends with other bands. The comps are great opportunities and they’re so much bloody fun.”

“We’d also just like to thank all the fans, as well as our parents for putting up with our loud practices and our manager, Lisa for encouraging us to get our act together. Last but definitely not least we’d like to thank A Red Letter Day and Burgess Bookings for giving us this great opportunity; we wouldn’t be where we are without them.”

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