Image: Facebook / Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue Shares Her Marriage Equality Playlist ‘Pride’

Kylie Minogue is the latest Aussie musician to pledge her support for marriage equality, with the pop icon curating a ‘Pride’ playlist on Spotify.

Taking to Facebook, Minogue shared her playlist and wrote “#MarriageEquality. Here’s my playlist for #AllTheLovers Down Under #LoveIsLove.”

Artists across the Australian music industry continue to push for same-sex marriage to be legalised in Australia.

Later this month Killing Heidi, Client Liaison, Flight Facilities and stacks more are set to perform at a Live-Aid style concert called YesFest as a final driving push for Aussies to vote yes on marriage equality.

Several international celebrities have also recently gotten behind the push for marriage equality in Australia this year, with Macklemore proudly performing his SSM anthem ‘Same Love’ at the NRL Grand final and Sigur Rós calling for marriage equality during their show at Margaret Court Arena.

Sam Smith has also announced he’ll donate a third of his profits from his forthcoming Sydney Opera House show to The Equality Campaign.

Check out Kylie’s ‘Pride’ playlist below.

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