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Premiere: Introducing Marét And Her ‘Vertigo’ Video Featuring One Very Talented Panda

Marét has unveiled her debut single ‘Vertigo’ and armed it with an incredibly entertaining visual.

The funky single is an upbeat anthem that displays the markers of a well-established artist far ahead of a debut.

She’s a singer, songwriter and creative directer but her identity is kept under wraps with the ‘Vertigo’ video, as it instead features a dancing panda.

Well, not a real panda but one very talented dancer in a panda mask throwing down moves to a song that begs you to dance. The moves are so infectious that she’s even joined by another dancing panda at the tail-end of the video.

“I think of the times when people are in great despair or joy, music soundtracks it and creates a space for us to understand our world,” Marét said about the song.

“I’d love people to make sense of their experiences through the musical mirror that I’m presenting.”

If this is just the introduction, with word of an album on the way, we can’t wait to see what else Marét has up her sleeve.

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