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Bag Raiders Team Up With Mickey Kojak On New Single ‘Wild At Heart’

Sydney electronic boys and ‘Shooting Stars’ meme heroes, Bag Raiders are back with ‘Wild At Heart’. The track, featuring Mickey Kojak, is like an anthem to youth with lyrics like “We’ll be wild at heart forever/ ’cause dreamers never die”.

The Bag Raiders guys say it’s all about being young and untouchable, “When we wrote this we were imagining a whole gang of kids singing the chorus. It felt like we were writing the anthem to our teenage selves!

“Everyone knows this feeling except, perhaps, the people who are in it! So there’s some nostalgia there too. But overall we wanted this to be as exuberant and in your face as possible. It’s rude, loud and proud!”

‘Wild At Heart’ is full of neat production and nostalgia inducing instrumental builds.

Following up their self-titled debut album, ‘Wild At Heart’ is the second single off of the upcoming release.

Their second album, Horizons is due out later this year and apparently documents the pair’s journey from club shows to worldwide tours.

Bag Raiders took part in Music Feeds’ segment Love Letter To A Record back in March, have a read here.

Listen to ‘Wild At Heart’ below.

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