Early next month, electronic duo Purity Ring will return with Womb, the follow-up to 2015’s Another Eternity and, ergo, their first new album in half a decade. We’ve already heard one single from it – ‘stardew’ – and now they’ve shared two more.
‘pink lightning’ was originally accessible to fans through a browser puzzle on their website, and now it’s officially out for all to listen to. They’ve also shared a track called ‘peacefall’. Both are satisfyingly Purity Ring, big, theatrical waves of lush synths serving as a perfect backdrop for the vocals of singer Megan James.
Earlier this month, the band cryptically shared a new song titled ‘pink lightning’ through a kind of browser puzzle on their website.
Womb was written, recorded and produced entirely by bandmates James and Corin Roddick. According to the Canadian pair, the new album “chronicles a quest for comfort and the search for a resting place in a world where so much is beyond our control,” which feels pretty timely at the moment tbh.
Stream ‘pink lightning’ and ‘peacefall’ below. Womb is out Friday, 3rd April via 4AD.