Corey Taylor Reckons The New Asking Alexandria Album Will “Piss People Off”

Asking Alexandria‘s new record has the blessing of Slipknot’s Corey Taylor.

Like A House On Fire landed this past Friday, and brings big melodic hooks and polished choruses to the forefront of the band’s songwriting like never before.

“I sent it [to Corey] as soon as we finished recording and was like, ‘Dude, what do you think?’” guitarist Ben Bruce tells NME.

“He said, ‘I think it’s going to piss people off and I think it’s the best thing you’ve ever fucking written. Whether people realise it or not on a first listen, I promise you they will. Every band who’s been around for years has been through this and it’s your time’.”

Bruce admits AA have already copped plenty of negative backlash over their new sound so far.

“I saw a comment online the other day from someone who clearly didn’t like our new song,” he reflected, referencing the LP’s single ‘Down To Hell’.

“But instead of just saying, ‘I prefer the old stuff – which is fine,’ he went, ‘I miss the good old days of Asking Alexandria before they got fat, fucking ugly and got shitty haircuts’. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

Bruce reckons the record is a natural progression from the band’s previous release album [2017’s Self-Titled] and has redefined who they are as people.

“This is the first record we’ve done sober – that’s a big deal. We’ll never go back to how we were with drugs and excessive alcohol,” he says.

“If you’re a fan of our last record you should be a fan of this record. We’re still playing big guitar riffs, drums and choruses. It’s really not that far removed.”

Asking Alexandria’s Like A House On Fire is out now.

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