Image: Horacio Bolz

Django Django Take Us Track By Track Through ‘Glowing In The Dark’

After a three year wait, British alt-rockers, Django Django have shared their fourth album Glowing In The Dark with us.

The band is just as weird and wonderful as ever with this synth-driven, eclectic collection of work.

It’s a genre-bending, 13-track album that travels between wildly stirring beats and back to more lo-fi, chill tunes with no trouble at all.

Django Django are known for carrying totally different sounds from album to album and Glowing In The Dark is no different.

The band is treating Music Feeds and its readers today. Django Django’s drummer and producer, Dave Maclean is taking us through the album, track by track.


We made ‘Spirals’ because we had a gap in the live set where we needed a new upbeat track that was fun for us to play. A lot of our tracks have samples and intricate drum parts, and this was going for something a lot more straight up. We were playing for a few years and gradually tweaking it.

Right the Wrongs

Vinny had this on his phone, and he’d been working on it himself when I heard it. It stood out from other demos at the time and it’s not changed a whole lot from its initial recording. it’s got a DEVO quality about it which I like a lot.

Got me Worried

This was built around a percussion loop that we jammed on. We were working with Portuguese singer Sonia Bernardo and she said it had a Brazilian vibe so she wrote a Portuguese verse for Vinny to sing which was really good fun.

Waking Up

This was a song that was crying out for a guest vocalist. The song is about hitting the road and leaving everything behind. We were really chuffed that Charlotte (Gainsbourg) agreed to be part of it.

Night of the Buffalo

This started out very differently with an electronic vibe and ended up much more live.

We wanted the middle 8 to be quite epic so asked our friend Raven Bush to play violin on it. It’s about being separated from your homeland and it was inspired by Vinny reading about the Choctaw people sending money to help with the Irish famine in 1847.

The World will Turn

Jim had written this at home in Margate and brought it up to the studio fully formed. We asked Raven Bush to play on it again. It’s a simple kind of lullaby song about missing your loved ones.

Kick the Devil Out

This was inspired by the Kids in the Hall sketch ‘Bobby Versus Satin’. We thought it’d be funny to imagine the devil turning up at your house and just being a terrible house guest so you have to kick him out. Not doing anything diabolical, just being an inconsiderate slob. It made us laugh writing it.

Glowing in the Dark

This was a track that I had been making when I was making a lot of electronic dance stuff and wasn’t sure if it would work as a Django Django track. But, when Vinny sang the verses it seemed to work. I chopped up one of the lines to make a chorus like I did with the track ‘Default’.

Glowing In The Dark is out today. Find it here.

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