Brisbane will get up to 4 Soundwave sideshows in 2012 and Marilyn Manson will definitely be one of them. Soundwave organiser AJ Maddah has confirmed via Twitter that Marilyn Manson will play a sidewave in Brisbane. This is awesome news for Brisbanites who missed out on Eminem and wont get sideshows for the majority of the Big Day Out 2012 artists.
Earlier tonight Maddah tweeted: @iamnotshouting At this point I am planning on 4 Brisbane Sidewaves. The big one is Manson. #SW12
It is also believed that Wednesday 13 will be supporting Marilyn Manson for the Soundwave sideshows
An official announcement is expected soon that will include Manson sideshows in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney.
View the Soundwave 2012 Line-up Here