Groovin The Moo Tee Three Winner Caught In Plagiarism Scandal

The winner of Groovin The Moo’s GTM Tee Three competition, Cory Thompson, has been stripped of his prize (iPad, tickets to GTM and a bunch of other stuff) after it was revealed he plagiarised the winning design. The competition called on artists to design a T Shirt that would be sold at the festival merchandise tent; however, Corey stole his design from the deviant art website and renamed it ‘Long Lost Flower Child’.

The GTM organisers have posted a statement on their Facebook page stating that a new winner will now be announced:

“Nothing like a bit of controversy to kick off the week. It seems we have a serious case of plagiarism in the GTM Tee Three competition – thanks to all our eagle eyes out there. We are in the process of re-evaluating and will be announcing the new GTM Tee Three winner tomorrow.”

The original winner announcement post has since been deleted; thankfully one of our writers was quick enough to grab a screen shot, see below:

The original design ‘Nemeums Last Stand’ by jfe at deviant art:

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