Watch: Marilyn Manson Cover the Eagles

Is there anything Marilyn Manson can’t do? Well, remember all the words to The Eagles Hotel California apparently. According to Antiquiet the unique entity that is Manson decided to tackle the Eagles’ classic while performing at a wrap party for the latest season of Showtime’s hit program Californication.

Antiquiet amusingly describe the cover as “too damn weird to describe” as Manson loses his place on occasion and refers to a lyric sheet for guidance and you can’t really blame him – the song goes on forever. A highlight comes when Manson encourages his guitarist to ‘make that guitar your bitch’ during the song’s second solo. The guitarist adeptly responds to Manson’s request, shredding it up in style.

Manson is set to appear in the upcoming season of Californation, which centers around the main character of Hank Moody (played by David Duchovny); a washed up writer of questionable hygiene who bangs every woman in sight; even his female lawyer who is trying to get him off rape charges.

Watch: Marilyn Manson – Hotel California – Eagles Cover

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