Big Day Out Invite You To Chow Down At Chow Town

Keep the appetite-suppressing drugs in your cologne-saturated satchels or buried in the middle of an orange, and break out the good ol’-fashioned herb, because the Big Day Out has just announced that Chow Town will be a part of this year’s festivities.

Inspired by BDO’s sister festival Lollapalooza, the Australian version of Chow Town looks to match quality music with quality food, ensuring that Big Day Out 2013 will not only be a treat for the ears and eyes but for your tastebuds as well.

Led by the Culinary Outlaw duo of Sydney chefs Elvis Abrahanowicz and Ben Milgate, whose handiwork can normally be tasted at Bodega and Porteno respectfully, Chow Town promises to be a feast the likes of which has never been seen at any Australian contemporary music festival.

With dishes that include Lobster Corn Dogs, hand held Tostadas de Atun Fresco, and American Barbeque style Brisket and Pulled Pork provided by some of Australia’s premier chefs, it sounds as though Chow Town will see an end to the days of barely eatable meat on a stick covered in yellow goo that’s supposedly cheese.

Big Day Out Creator and Director Ken West explains that Chow Town attempts to highlight the common bond between good music and good food.

“Musicians are often passionate foodies, many chefs imbibe Rock’n’Roll and restaurateurs create playlists that are lovingly selected for their venues. The love of music and food is universal and we are bringing it to Big Day Out, it will be a win/win for everyone,” said West in an official press release.

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