Bob Dylan Posts First Ever Facebook Status, Predicts Election Outcome

Trust Bob Dylan to predict the results of what was like the biggest election ever on his first ever status update. The iconic musician took to the social media personally for the first time to reiterate statements made at a previous gig.

Dylan, who has more than 4 million fans on his page, signed off on the status that read “Here’s pretty close to what I said last night in Madison. I said from the stage that we had to play better than good tonight, that the president was here today and he’s a hard act to follow. Also, that we’re not fooled by the media and we think it’s going to be a landslide. That’s pretty much all of it.”

What was intriguing is that it came hours before the final votes were counted. Dylan had performed in the battleground state of Wisconsin, and according to The Huffington Post, it was midway through his performance of Blowin’ In The Wind that he interjected with the statement. Truly testament to the milestone is the fact that it got Bob Dylan hitting up The Book, though he is but one of the many, many artists who have publicly agreed with the country’s decision to re-elect Obama.

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