Jack White has reportedly said that Meg White, his former White Stripes bandmate and ex-wife, was ‘uninterested’ in the band’s successes. As reported by NME, White revealed to Esquire that he often felt alone when it came to revelling in the band’s triumphant moments.
“In The White Stripes, it was impossible to share the good moments with Meg because she was very uninterested. If something nice happened, it wasn’t like we would hug or have a drink. That wasn’t what went on,” White told Esquire, according to NME.
“We would record a White Stripes song in the studio and it would be me, Meg and an engineer. So we would finish a mix of a song and I’d say, ‘Wow! That’s pretty good!’ I’d look around and Meg would just be sitting there, and the engineer would just be sitting there.”
“So it’d be sorta like, ‘OK… Let’s just move on to the next one.’ It was just me by myself. But it was the best thing for me. It taught me a lot about trusting my gut,” White continued.
“It’s strange to know that there’s beautiful moments that no one will ever know about. It’s whether I’m going to tell you, because Meg’s never going to tell you. There’s a sadness to that, a romance.”
If the quotes are accurate (last week White claimed to have been misrepresented by quotes lifted from the same interview) then this is not the first time Jack has spoken out about Meg.
Back in April, Jack told the New York Times that Meg “completely controlled the White Stripes” and is “the most stubborn person” he’s ever met. Jack also added that if it were up to him The White Stripes would still be making music.
“I’d make a White Stripes record right now,” White told the New York Times. “I’d be in the White Stripes for the rest of my life. That band is the most challenging, important, fulfilling thing ever to happen to me. I wish it was still here. It’s something I really, really miss.”