WOLF AND CUB’s album SCIENCE AND SORCERY featuring radio singles Seven Sevens, What Are They Running and Loosest Of Gooses has been receiving rave reviews nationally. On the back on their latest album release, Wolf & Cub toured the country throughout June and July, playing sold out shows and once again receiving amazing reviews where ever they hit the stage.
Joining Wolf & Cub on all dates will be The Vasco Era. As you would have heard, their current track For No One is getting a hammering on triple j radio. Also joining the tour for all dates is Brisbane party thrash band DZ.
The tour starts in Wollongong, and makes its way around the country, playing all capital cities. Wolf & Cub are also playing as part of the One Movement Festival in Perth WA.
TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT www.wolfandcub.com/tickets
Thursday 1st October
Wollongong Uni, Wollongong NSW
Unishop: 02 4221 8050
Redback Music: 02 4229 6169
Friday 2nd October
Brewery Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW
Saturday 3rd October
Oxford Art Factory, Sydney, NSW
Moshtix 1300 GET TIX (438 849) www.moshtix.com.au
Friday 9th October
Northcote Social, Melbourne, VIC
Venue: (03) 94861677 www.northcotesocialclub.com
Saturday 10th October
Northcote Social, Melbourne, VIC
Venue: (03) 94861677 www.northcotesocialclub.com
Saturday 17th October
One Movement Festival, Perth WA
Friday 30th October
The Zoo, Brisbane, QLD
Oztix: 1300 762 545 www.oztix.com.au
Saturday 31st October
Coolangatta Hotel, Coolangatta, QLD
Oztix 1300 762 545 www.oztix.com.au