David McCormack – Cassingle

David McCormack continues on his oft-oblique song lyric / title / shirt ‘n’ haircut path with this new lil six-track CD EP. We’re loving its classically tongue in cheek 80’s ‘C-60’ cover art, but quietly hoping the songs will stand up like we know they should.

And fortunately they do. It ain’t world beating nor Custard whipping for that matter, but there’s far worse ways to spend twenty minutes, like on public transport for example. Diehard fans will lap this up like some kind of magic milk and it is another step forward for Dave Mac whom we hope plays some old, old, old stuff when he plays The Spiegeltent this November. Either way, ‘Rockstar’ from this EP deserves a good run; like its creator it’s way too passive-charismatic to be ignored. EP opener ‘I Don’t Even Know Where To Start With This Kind of Music’ is easy on the ears and surprisingly handclap-free whilst ‘Text Book’ is roughly the McCormack standard you’ve come to expect by now, half crossed with The Shins.

The production quality is typically fine throughout. Genre-hopping from near country to quirky pop and back again, this release is almost a matured, sepia-snapshot reprint of a career thus far, complete with lush strings at the end. What more do you want, a ‘hit song’?


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