Hit The Jackpot – Soul Money Gang

Adelaide DIY fuzz-pop phenomenon Hit The Jackpot released their second album Soul Money Gang Vibe earlier this month on Chapter Music, and are now taking off around the country to launch its noisy, catchy, warm and passionate goodness.

Already Soul Money Gang Vibe is earning superlative-riddled critical accolades such as “a joyfully reckless album” (Mess + Noise), “a kick-ass little indie rock album” (RTR FM ) and “already at No 1. of my Top Ten albums of 2008” (Champignons For My Real Friends blog). And this reviewer concurs.

It takes you back to an era gone – when you used to wear flannelette and “Where Is My Mind” was your theme song, cause it just spoke to you maaaan. It is a trip down memory lane, that begs the question – are we so postmodern that the 90’s are coming back into fashion?

With a spate of mid-90’s bands touring at the moment, i.e. Tex Perkins, Jebidiah, Magic Dirt, Regurgitator, Even, Living end, Grinspoon, fuck – even Tim Rogers is going to get pissed on stage at Homebake this year  – A 90’s resurgence, I can smell it like the stale deodorant and fresh BO on me right now, and it ain’t a mile off.

Hit The Jackpot will be launching the album at Spectrum August 17

Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/hitthejackpot

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