The Streets – Everything Is Borrowed

Ok let’s get this straight, I love The Streets. When Original Pirate Material came out I was in love, I must have listened to Don’t Mug Yourself over a thousand times on the bus on the way to school. But then came the follow up albums. I have been consistently underwhelmed by all their subsequent releases, and I had pretty much given up on them, until that is I heard this album.

Everything Is Borrowed sees The Streets take a decidedly more ‘whatever’ attitude. The songs are some of the simplest music they’ve ever made and the lyrics are hardly deep, but it seems less contrived this time around. There is none of that posturing which originally made them so appealing and it’s a good thing as it has allowed them reinterpret their sound.

While I would hardly say this is their best release, in fact it might be one of their worst, but it’s just so listenable. There a points that sound like The Cat Empire but it’s never long until Mike Skinner comes in with his charmingly cockney rhymes.

Check them out at

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