A breezy pre-summer Sunday in Parramatta Park was the perfect setting for the NSW leg of Harvest Festival, a relatively…
Coldlife, mudlife, wetlife, gr8life. These were the terms being bandied around via Twitter at yesterday’s Parklife, where Sydney’s Moore Park…
Taking a break from his supporting role on Big Boi’s Australian tour, Brooklynite (no kids, he ain’t no pom) Theophilus…
After cancelled flights and last minute logistic changes, I eventually arrived at Woodfordia, QLD in time for day two of…
A mounting crowd gathered in Sydney’s Metro Theatre for what was likely to be the last Australian Miami Horror show for…
In their first Australian tour in what seems like eternity, Melbourne indie-pop darlings Architecture in Helsinki returned to the national…
Making a pit stop in Sydney during the Future Music Festival tour, acclaimed producer, writer and DJ extraordinaire, Mark Ronson…
Having just taken in cities as far reaching as Singapore and Auckland, it was Rozelle’s picturesque College of The Arts…
As a Sydney BDO virgin I was wide eyed with anticipation and Australiana overload walking past that monumental Olympic flame fountain (remember,…
Part 1 – Winding up their Australian tour, Derek and Alexis of New York noise pop outfit Sleigh Bells joined…
Just when we thought the horror of the ARIA awards was behind us for another year, industry rag The Music…
Due to unforeseen circumstances the Frontier Touring Company has announced the withdrawal of Seekae from Sleigh Bells’ January 2011 Sydney…
To celebrate a decade of ZoukOut, Asia’s premier dance music festival, the Singapore Tourism Board is searching for an Australian…
Worldwide heavy metal icons Disturbed will be returning to Australia and New Zealand to annihilate arena stages in this April,…
Let’s face it, we’re all pretty much kids of the 90s. We grew up on Cheese TV and 20c Zooper…
Fresh off the back of the news that a new drummer has taken up residency at camp Philly Jays, Clarence…
Cyborg music stalkers rejoice, the powers that be at MySpace have finally given the site a long overdue extreme makeover.
This Saturday, October 30 will see Sydney’s most iconic local venue, The Metro transform into a make-shift bat cave to…