“Bad person or not. I don’t want a politician running this world anymore”
Another step closer
That old school Linkin Park sound is unmistakable
"I am Kanye West and I approve this message"
The Iranian rapper blends jazz, soul & hip-hop
face of spades
Prepare for venom
They've had some down tuh-ime
"Fully loaded with enough swaggering rock n' roll innuendo to make AC/DC blush"
"If we find that the internationals can’t come, we will add more Aussies"
Those dark dance grooves and big angsty chorus warm our little emo hearts
They'll be joined by a bunch of special guests for the 'Lawless' pow-wow
"He lowkey is like, an Australian historical figure, dude!”
Dear Maria, count us in
To be fair, it's a banger
But it is packing some serious Flume energy
Fresh Pumpkins alert
"Big news in the house of Garbage"