"it's for someone I truly trust...me."
Perfect to pair with a glass of red.
"We need to keep moving forward as we live with COVID-19."
"There is no argument for not having such a concert."
He initially sued the band over money troubles last year.
"Don't vote for me, I'm a massive idiot"
One that hits a little close to home...literally.
"This is such an honour pls vote for biden"
Deep breaths in, deep breaths out.
"We must vote justice in and injustice out."
Accepting the terms won't guarantee placement to labels or artists.
The election cannot be over soon enough.
He dropped his twentieth album, 'Letter To You', last month.
Their first new music of the year.
His first bit of new music in over a year.
Absolutely stunning.
And they've dropped new single 'Reality Check Please'
"This is all hindsight - I didn't know at the time."