And they even have some surprises up their sleeves!
Got your weekend playlists covered.
But Music Feeds understands plans are still underway
It's all happening at Splendour!
Including some grunge and hip-hop luminaries!
And it's a big one!
The plot thickens
In support of her forthcoming album 'Supercry'
While playing with his supergroup side project Hollywood Vampires.
His biggest Australian tour yet, just got bigger.
This is going to be huge
"'A strong spirit transcends rules', Prince once said -- and nobody's spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative."
Kicking off with The Kills & Lapsley!
RIP to one of music's greats.
New album 'Conscious' is out Friday June 24th.
"People have been asking if I'm going to record a record, so I did one."
And it's "nothing like you've ever heard"
"I'm the kind of person that doesn't ever want to disappoint anybody, but sadly my voice is in a bad…