Ron Burgundy Weighs In On The Australian Federal Election

Our Federal Election has reached some pretty despicable lows in recent weeks, but it looks like we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel in these furious last 24 hours. Australia’s parliamentary voting process, last century’s benchmark of equality fought long and hard for by women and Indigenous Australians, and representative of the democracy which tens of thousands of people died to protect, is being used to promote the sequel to Anchorman.

Ron Burgundy has decided to throw his two cents on top of the pile of two cent pieces accumulating on your Facebook feed. Touching on the “mental fisticuffs” between Kevin Rudd and Julia GuhLARD (as Americans love to pronounce it), as well as a mention of Tony Abbott’s banana hammock (last humourous in 2010), it’s clear this is a fairly hastily slapped together piece of promo. Other than the word ‘Labor’, that’s about all the material Burgundy has on the issue.

The brief clip finishes with a plug for the upcoming film Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Here’s to hoping this clip doesn’t represent the level of humour found in the film.

Regardless of the results of tomorrow’s Federal Election, be sure to stay classy, even if Will Ferrell can’t.

Watch: Ron Burgundy On Australian Election

Anchorman: The Legend Continues - Ron Burgundy Australian Election Message

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