Ra Ra Viper The Velvet Club
Ra Ra Viper (by Jack Ogrady) | The Velvet Club (by Tim Lambert)

Artist on Artist: Ra Ra Viper Grill Their Tour Pals From The Velvet Club

Fremantle indie rock crew Ra Ra Viper are capping off the year with a national tour, including shows in Melbourne, Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong, as well as a trio of headliners at their North Freo local, Mojos. Melbourne indie rock quintet The Velvet Club are joining Ra Ra Viper throughout the run, fresh off their release of their latest single, ‘Thinking Straight’.

Ahead of the tour, Ra Ra Viper’s Jack Tesser, Oliver Bolt, Julian Sanders, Oliver Kruk and Harry Tesser yielded to the hard-hitting questions of their touring partners, before asking a few mind-melters of their own.

Ra Ra Viper – ‘Mick’s Song’

The Velvet Club: Who’s the biggest liability on tour?

Jack Tesser: Our biggest liability on tour is easily our one-of-a-kind bass player Julian. I don’t think he has ever slept a single night on tour without his jacket and boots still firmly on, and constantly goes missing or has lost his wallet, keys, phone or all of the above.

TVC: What’s your favourite show you’ve played so far?

Oliver Bolt: A show that sticks out for me was our ‘Sometime’ single launch at Mojos in North Freo. It was our first show after the loosening of Covid capacity restrictions, our first sold out headline performance and also a return to the exact same stage where we had performed on a Monday a couple of years earlier at our first ever open mic night.

TVC: What’s your favourite song to play live?

Julian Sanders: The answer to this changes daily depending on mood, crowd and state of intoxication, among other factors. I think the only thing every member of the band has ever agreed on is that covering ‘Chaise Longue’ by Wet Leg never gets old.

TVC: Why the hell do you have three guitarists?

Oliver Kruk: We tried to get a fourth but no one wanted to join.

TVC: What’s an artist or song you’ve been smashing recently?

Harry Tesser: Foals, Wolf Alice, Wet Leg and Jack River. Plus, we’ll give you $50 if you can guess which two members of the band are obsessed with the new Arctic Monkeys record.

The Velvet Club – ‘Thinking Straight’

Ra Ra Viper: Who is the most unreliable in your band and why?

TVC: It’s gotta be our drummer Sam [McRae]. Sorry Sam, but we definitely can’t look past him booking his flight to Brisbane for the right dates but in the wrong month for our last tour.

RRV: Where is your favourite venue to play?

TVC: The Leadbeater in Melbourne has become our home turf. We love playing there; it’s always a great time. However, Mojos in Freo is probably one of our faves outside of Melbourne, so we can’t wait to get back there.

RRV: Who cares most about their tone?

TVC: Mmm safe answer here is probably our lead guitarist Tom [Otten]. He’s recently swapped his pedals out for a Helix so that his tone is exactly the same at every show.

RRV: Which show are you most looking forward to on the Ra Ra tour?

TVC: Maybe Newcastle. We’ve never played there so we’re pretty keen for that, but definitely the Mojos shows in WA as well. Very excited to feel the 40 degree summer heat over West.

Ra Ra Viper w/The Velvet Club

  • Thursday, 17th November – Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
  • Friday, 18th November – The Newcastle Hotel, Newcastle
  • Saturday, 19th November – Waywards, Sydney
  • Sunday, 20th November – North Gong Hotel, Wollongong (RRV w/Vetta Borne, Edith; no TVC)
  • Sunday, 27th November – North Gong Hotel, Wollongong (TVC w/Cry Club, Sophisticated Dingo; no RRV)
  • Saturday, 3rd December – Mojos, Fremantle – All Ages
  • Saturday, 3rd December – Mojos, Fremantle – 18+
  • Sunday, 4th December – Mojos, Fremantle – 18+

Tickets on sale now.

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