Cavalera Conspriacy – Brothers In Arms Once Again

The Cavalera brothers have become an institution in the metal community. From humble beginnnings in Brazil, growing up on hardcore punk to forming the scene shaping Sepultura. But sometimes life and fame has it’s effects.

The brothers Iggor and Max had a falling out which saw Max left Sepultura and the brothers would not speak to one another for ten years. When they finally buried the hachett, the result was the Cavalera Conspiracy. Taking those hardcore and thrash roots and creating some of the angriest, heaviest material of their careers, the brothers are back doing what they loved to do. Making loud music. Iggor quickly filled us in on the the new album Blunt Force Trauma

Music Feeds: Tell us about the new album Blunt Force Trauma?

Iggor Cavalera: We are very proud to release a second album, after touring all over with the same line up as we played live. Feels really good to go in the studio.

MF: The album lives up to it’s title, it’s a brutal record. After all these years playing metal, where do you continue to find inspiration?

IC: We only play the music the we love and that is what inspire us to write this kind of music.

MF: Logan Mader helped out recording this one, what his style like compared to others you’ve worked with in the past?

IC: I think Max as a producer found in Logan a really good partner as a sound engineer, that’s the difference.

MF: Talk us through the songwriting process for this album? Did it vary much from Inflikted?

IC: It was very similar to Inflikted me and Max swapped demos and recorded everything live as fast as possible. Trying to capture a raw power of a live performance.

MF: Your punk and hardcore roots have always shone through your albums whether it be Cavalera Conspiracy or Sepultura, has there ever been the thought of making a straight out hardcore album?

IC: Nope. We really like the idea of mixing styles, and trying something fresh.

MF: Has your relationship as brothers strengthen since you put aside the problems of the past?

IC: Yeah. We are having a great time with CC in the studio and on the road.

MF: I hear you’re supporting Iron Maiden in Brazil soon, I’ve just seen them here in Australia and was blown away by them. How excited are you to play with Maiden?

IC: We grow up with Iron Maiden, so is always an honour to share the stage with them.

MF: Having over 25 years in the scene yourself, do you look at Iron Maiden and say “Shit we can do this forever!”?

IC: I just feel very lucky that I can play the music that I love with Mixhell or Cavalera Conspiracy for all this years.

MF: When can Australian fans see you guys come out to play? Did the issues that prevented the Judas Priest tour ever get resolved?

IC: Hopefully soon, we keep hearing from all our friends how amazing the festivals in OZ are now…we feel like we are missing out on this.

MF: If you were to make a mix tape, what’s the first song you’d choose to put on it?

IC: Mexican Radio by Celtic Frost is a cool groovy and heavy start!

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