Dazzle Me This # 14 – Crushing on Washington

I’ve been crushing on Washington’s music ever since she started singing about sweet and zingy citrus fruits. Which is actually a great way to describe her music, Megan Washington sounds just like a clementine!

Her voice has all the delicious sweet segments a clementine offers, but there is no room for sickly, as her refreshing, articulate and clever lyrics resound in your ears and permeate your mind. How To Tame Lions is her current EP, and it teasingly hints towards what could be a truly stellar debut full-length.

Just a little bit of background first, Megan Washington is Papua New Guinea born, Brisbane raised, jazz trained, Melbourne currently, and Washington refers to herself with band.

Washington’s music drips with passion and personality. It’s like every single word that tumbles out of her mouth and every single note that tinkles out of the keyboard has been infused with it, but not in a try hard way – it’s effortless, the way bed hair should be, for example.

Cement, slightly reminiscent of a 60’s pop song, is rousing revenge on someone who obviously couldn’t keep their big mouth shut. The title track and current single is lovely and lilting and actually quite a thoughtful breakup song that belies Washington’s young-twenty-something years.

The one that’s on repeat for me right now though is Halloween, which weirdly reminds me of Christmas, with all its jingly, jangly, percussive goodness. How To Tame Lions, put it on your stocking stuffer list.

So which direction is Katie Dazzle’s cheap mini-mix segue going to take this week? A decidedly feline one, due to the fact that I do love lions and am currently cat sitting a fluffy white kitty called Munch. Miaow. x

Love Cats – The Cure

Cats are wonderfully, wonderfully pretty, I have recently learned that they are also wonderfully, wonderfully skilled at biting faces in the middle of the night. Ouch (my face).

[youtube -EeZRBStMNQ]

Lion’s Share – Foreign Born

There is a jigsaw puzzle of a very handsome lion in the window of my local Vinnies. Completed and framed. They want twenty bad boys for it – too much? Awesome live radio performance of this tune by the way.

[youtube 9FEhwcV2_lQ]

Paper Tiger – Spoon

I am totally hearting this cute video that’s been done to go with the song that first started my love affair with Spoon. Roaringly great.

[youtube rlL7BaX92ys]

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