Dolphins – Buzzcocks on a surfboard

Garage/ Surf outfit from The Gold Coast, Dolphins have just released their debut EP Galaxy Train. Music Feeds catches up with Jesse Pattinson before they head to Sydney for their EP launch on Friday 24th of June at MUM, World Bar.

Music Feeds: How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?

Jesse Pattinson: Buzzcocks on a surfboard?

MF: How did you guys meet and start playing together?

JP: Zach and Joel met In high school. I played in another band called Elke with both of them. Then came Dolphins. We’re pretty into animal names.

MF: You’ve just recorded and released an EP – tell us about that

JP: We recorded it at Blind Boy studios on the Gold Coast. Dave Turner engineered and mixed it all for us. This one was a lot more haphazard. We literally all got together in a room with a carton of beer and played it all through live as opposed to multitracking it. So for that reason it’s pretty close to exactly how we sound live. You can hear all the quirks, our stuff ups that we left in, imperfections and spontaneity. We love all that stuff. Makes it sound a bit more human.

MF: What has been your worst / best gig to date and why?

JP: I think our best gig so far was the one we just played on the Gold Coast for our EP launch. Must have been a full moon that night. We’ve all done some dodgy shows in the past. I can’t remember a show that was particularly bad for Dolphins. I think because we tend to try and avoid them in the first place now.

MF: Who are the best bands to check out in Brisbane right now; or who are some bands that you’ve played with and are really digging?

JP: We really like Dune rats, we have played with them a bunch of times. They’ve got some cool tunes worth checking out. We have played heaps with Bleeding Knees Club as well. They are killing it right now. Looking forward to playing with DZ deathrays again they are pretty rad.

MF: If you could share the stage with any band, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

JP: Nirvana maybe? They seemed like fun. I’d convince Kurt that I’m from the future by showing him my iPhone. Then I’d show him our version of history on YouTube. This would alter the course of history. He’d see the light and go on to become an abstract artist instead. Then he’d come to our show on Friday as a 44 year old and buy me a drink and we would have a big laugh about it all.

MF: What is next for Dolphins?

JP: When we get back from playing down in Sydney and Melbourne I think it will be straight back to recording. We have new songs and ideas that were keen to get down. We’ll see where that leads.

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