Dune Rats – Floor Dudes

Dune Rats hail from Brisbane; they’re playing all over the country at the moment and Music Feeds caught up with the guys before their show at Mum @ Worldbar this Friday.

Music Feeds: Has it been really liberating to just form a band between the two of you, without having to worry about everyone else?

Danny Moffit: Yeah, definitely; it felt at the start like when we’d make a decision really fast it was wrong haha, but we decided to just do what we wanted and it’s going pretty cool …

MF: What is ‘Dune Rats’ code for? Or are we reading into that one a bit much?

DM: Hahaha ummm, it’s kinda everything you’re probably thinking. We all got called it as little guys surfing and shit but didn’t really understand what it was and probably still don’t. So we just made up our own idea of what it’s about and means.

MF: So far you’ve released an EP called Sexy Beach, two videos and a couple of double-sided singles all in the space of nine months. Will we be hearing your scuzzbombs on a long player anytime soon?

DM: Umm, maybe next year? We are about to release an EP in September and then have some cool tours for the next 3-4 months, so I think we just wanna play a bit more before the album gets done.

MF; In the do-it-yourself, release-it-yourself age, how do you guys wanna see your music unleashed to the world?

DM: It’s hard because we don’t think about that too much. I mean, recording – we’ve been lucky to get people we really like and are genuine dudes, so it all comes together fast and with nothing negative effecting it; we just are happy just having those songs haha. It’s cool that online blogs are so cool with us it helps massively to get a name. I think playing cools shows in the end is it, like people will bring like-minded people and it’s a rad time.

MF: Live, Dune Rats play as a three-piece, getting a mate to play bass to cover the lower end. Have you guys ever thought about a permanent bass player, or are you happy keeping the decision-making between the two of you?

DM: Maybe if the lads form a union haha … Writing just kinda works with BC and I, and the guys we usually have playing bass are all in cooler bands, haha, plus it’s always different each show, which makes it funny.

MF: The emergence of DZ Deathrays, Bleeding Knees Club and Dune Rats seems to signal a break away from that Brisbane indie-pop sound we’ve become quite familiar with. How do you see the future of the garage sound?

DM: Umm yeah, Brisbane has steered a little dirty and to guys/girls who maybe aren’t your indie side. It’s funny, cos a lot of bands have been here and just with no hometown support.  It can be hard to travel and spread your seedszz haha

MF; You seem to like a bit of intimacy when playing live. Where do you prefer to play; is it in your mate’s living room or a bigger venue like the Zoo?

DM: We are floor dudes and it took a lot to not say a shit far pun. I just like playing to people’s faces and they seem to be on stage it feels, haha

MF; What are your next movements; do ‘Dune Rats’ thrive during the winter months?

DM; Yeah man, I know I said it before but Social Atoms is out Sept 1st and we are touring everywhere for that and then we have a cool tour in Nov that I don’t know if I can mention? I’m bringing knee pads but …

Dune Rats play Mum @ Worldbar This Friday August 12th


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