Blessed Are The Obsessed: Falling In Reverse – Surpassing Expectations

If you haven’t heard of Falling In Reverse by now you have some serious issues. Fronted by Ex-Escape The Fate front man Ronnie Radke who, during his time behind bars imagined a band with sweeping guitars, brutal drums and vocals that actually told a story. Refusing to let his mind be a prisoner also, Radke began writing, recording and planning wasting no time on his dream project. Next he recruited a stella line up of like minded musicians including the shredtacular Jacky Vincent. The band is as mysterious as it is infectious, gaining a world wide fan base in a matter of months, though only releasing one album and two clips. I caught up with Jacky, a man of few words, to find out as much as I could about this band who just doesn’t seem to want to play by the rules.

Blessed Are The Obsessed: Hey Jacky, how’s your day been so far?

Jacky Vincent: Ive just been watching UFC all day so pretty good haha

BATO: Tell us the story of how the whole Falling In Reverse family got together, how did you get involved?

JV: Ronnie was in prison and wanted to come out and start a new band, i was a fan of his old stuff so i got in touch with the bass player at the time and said i wanted to play guitar. They said yeah and after that Derek joined then Ronnie got Ryan and Ryan got Ron.

BATO: From what i’ve read, Ronnie wrote a lot of the music during his down time. What influence did the other members have in the writing process?

JV: I bonded with the producer Michael Elvis Baskette over 80s hair metal bands so he wanted me to incorporate a lot of 80s guitar stuff in there, so we had a lot of fun doing that.

BATO: What was it like in the early stages of Falling In Reverse? You guys have a strong following and a lot of respect in the scene but was it always that way?

JV: It was just a lot of anticipation back then of what was going to happen but i think we made everyone happy and surpassed expectations.

BATO: I recently saw the new clip for ‘Raised By Wolves’, awesome video! what made you guys decide to do a live clip?

JV: Well we were on tour and wanted to film the craziness that you wouldn’t get to normally see unless you came to a show.

BATO: You guys have been touring for a while now, hows it been? Any crazy fan stories?

JV: Tour has been so much fun and I’ve made so many friends. One fan was drunk i think and opened our bus door and ran on saying he wanted to meet us, that was pretty crazy.

BATO: I’ve seen that Mika, the previous bass player has been kicked out of the band, what can you tell us about that?

JV: Were really good friends, i love Mika. He just went his own way and he’s doing good.

BATO: ‘The Drug In Me Is You’ has been out for a while now, how did fan respond to the album once it was dropped?

JV: Kids were singing along to every line at our first shows so it was an amazing response. I think most people were stoked who were waiting for it.

BATO: When can we expect some new FIR tunes?

JV: Its a secret

BATO:  Any plans to visit Australia soon?

JV: Yep! Were trying to figure that out and can’t wait to get out there

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