Falling In Reverse’s Ryan Seaman On Returning To Australia As Headliners And Fanboying On Warped Tour

Falling In Reverse announce Australian headline tour. These are the words Australian fans have been desperate to year for years. Our hunger was soothed – momentarily – during their stint as part of Soundwave 2015 and their subsequent sidewaves but the hunger rose once more.

Fronted by known identity Ronnie Radke, the band had a titanic profile from day one. Much of the hype was met, and then surpassed by their shred-tacular debut The Drug In Me Is You which caused the focus to shift form their past, to their promising future.

Now, sitting high atop their third album Just Like You, the band are in the midst of their inaugural Australian headline run. We caught up with drummer Ryan Seaman just before the tour kicked off, to see how preparations were coming. Ryan seemed understandably excited, so much so he actually remembered our interaction from 2015.

Ryan Seaman: We were on a couch, right?…Sweet! I totally remember you.

Music Feeds: So, your Australian fans are beyond stoked at Falling In Reverse’s return, is the feeling mutual?

RS: Oh man, we so stoked to get back there. We were for Soundwave, as we both know. But coming back now it’s like, whoa, ok, let’s see what happens after us doing Soundwave year and a half ago and see what the demand is.

MF: So Let’s go back a bit, what was it like during Soundwave? There was such a hunger for Falling In Reverse live.

RS: It actually exceeded my expectations. A lot of the shows, even the Sidewaves, were really big. We’re curious to see what it’s like coming back after playing for a shit tonne of people the first time. It’ll also be great to see what’ll work down there.

MF: You guys did do the headline run but Australia is yet to experience Falling In Reverse in a pure headline capacity, what should we prepare for?

RS: Probably a lot of songs that you guys haven’t heard live before. Maybe you’ll hear us breaking things in the green room before hand. You might see me break some plates against the wall, you know, shatter stuff to get the adrenaline going. We might play some old stuff. It really could be anything.

MF: We’ve all been living vicariously through your American fans who’ve caught you on Warped Tour, are you having as much fun as it looks like you’re having?

RS: Warped Tour was really special this year. This was the band’s fourth time doing it and I would say by far this is the biggest Warped Tour we’ve done, by far, for sure, in terms of people watching. I didn’t really know what to expect. We were on the stage with a lot of my favourite bands growing up and we were just the main attraction I guess you could say.

It was so crazy for us. We had all grown up on the late ’90s, early 2000s punk rock and just getting to see what Warped Tour is today, it just blew my mind. Like, whoa. I don’t think it’s going anywhere and I couldn’t believe that we were the band that people came to see.

MF: Did you catch yourself having any fanboy moments sharing a stage with your favourite bands?

RS: Well, we know a lot of the bands from when we were up and coming. The only time I got thrown this year was when Josh Freese showed up and played with The Vandals. That was really cool for me. I grew up loving his drumming and I kind of look up to him. That was really rad.

Josh Freese doesn’t really do Warped Tour, he doesn’t really travel around with The Vandals as much as he would probably like to so it’s really cool to get to see a working class drummer doing those things.

MF: Your latest album Just Like You dropped in 2015. What can you tell me about new material?

RS: Just keep your eyes open. And that’s it. [Laughs] It’s coming sort of soon, maybe.

MF: ‘It’s coming sort of soon, maybe’, jeez, man I don’t know If I can get a headline out of that…

RS: [Laughs] Be sure to add ‘I don’t know’ to the end of it – The new material is coming sort of soon, maybe, I don’t know. [Laughs]. No, but seriously: Just tell them to keep their eyes open.

MF: So what’s exciting Falling In Reverse the most about their return Down Under?

RS: It’s everything. It’s the weather, it’s the people – people were so positive down there and love rock. Maybe we’ll go back to the lone pine sanctuary, who knows? There are so many things to do down there.

I’m curious to see what it’s like coming down on a headline tour now that I’ve seen the festival tour. I think we’re all super excited for that.

MF: Well, we can’t wait to have you back man! Thanks for the chat, Ryan.

RS: For sure man, I’ll see you in…Sydney? Right?

MF: You do remember!

RS: Yeah, no, I totally do.

Falling In Reverse ‘Count Rockula’ Australian Tour

Tickets on sale now

Friday, 14th October 2016

Astor Theatre, Perth (All Ages)

Tickets: Live Nation

Sunday, 16th October 2016

170 Russell, Melbourne (Under 18’s Matinee)

Tickets: Live Nation

Monday, 17th October 2016

170 Russell, Melbourne (18+)

Tickets: Live Nation

Tuesday, 18th October 2016

The Triffid, Brisbane (All Ages)

Tickets: Live Nation

Thursday, 20th October 2016

Metro Theatre, Sydney (All Ages)

Tickets: Live Nation

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