Foxx on Fire

Based in Melbourne, Paul Housden, Edward Housden, Geno Carrapetta and James Ratsasane have got themselves a band with some serious duds and musical ways (“Apocalyptic Disco Noir”. Their words.) They also have an extremely decent explanation of how they got together:

“Paul and I have known each other the longest, being brothers and all.” keys man Edward told us via internet electricity. “We then met Geno, who was just stepping out of a gothic haze. The three of us then willed ourselves to meet the most psychedelic bass player going round. It was then that Jimmy mysteriously materialised before us.”

That’s rad, but why the name?

“Well the band is actually named after an Italian dish, Volpe Su Fuoco. Poor villagers in the farmlands of Southern Italy would catch a fox and literally light it on fire before eating it. These days it’s considered a delicacy.”

Now, I’m 80% sure this is bullshit, and I know it must be, and Google’s telling me that I’m probably right, and they’ve previously said they’re named after 80’s UK icon Paul Foxx, but I just can’t bring myself to call it. And anyway, listen to their music and maybe you’ll agree that there’s something fitting about the image of hungry peasants chasing around an animal (Read: their single, Mission Abort). You might not hear the “Apocalyptic disco-noir for the dance floor and explosive cosmic-psychedelia” they say their live style encompasses, but you can’t say they’re not tight, eclectic and fun as hell.

To top this off, the dudes have got some potent head brains in their already talent-filled skulls (Edward is a filmmaker, Paul is a psychologist, James is an artist and Geno is a philosopher), plus they have all the tight suits and looks to drive the people wild and they know how to commit to it all:

“Once, whilst performing at the Berlin Lounge in the Gold Coast, during our set finale, Geno overzealously jumped off his drum kit into a low hanging chandelier, causing severe burns to his arm.”

But what can we get if we vote for them? Maybe you, the darling listener, want something more than just the satisfaction that you helped some talented guys get to a well deserved spot. Well be heartened, Scrooge, because Edward laid it down for us.

“Firstly, people should vote for us so that we can win the competition. Secondly, we’re kind of struggling at the moment financially, we really need that money just to eat.”

“And finally, if people do vote for us, they can come and hang out with us on the yacht we’ll be buying with the $25,000.”

So there you are, a promise to risk starvation in the name of getting you boated up. How does that make you feel? Taking all the glamour while the band will probably have to rely on their talent, the Splendour gig, some impressive non-musical skills and their (very possibly fictionalised) Volpe Su Fuoco.

But maybe that sounds ok to you.

Check out the guys at and be sure to catch them in the final of uncharTED on Thursday 9th July @ Oxford Art Factory.

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