Ginger And Drum – Sexy Synth Pop

In preparation for Kittens this Saturday April 28, 2012, Music Feeds sent one of the featured acts Ginger & Drums a bunch of generic, uninspired questions. Thankfully, Andy Rawson of the duo answered them.

How did Ginger & Drums come into existence as a band?

Trying to escape the fact that we were somehow doomed to be accountants, we both sought solace through music. The band started off as a folk duo during uni (where we both met) but after a 6-month stint overseas (Zoe to Sweden and myself to the USA) we came back home keen to get the ball rolling with something different altogether. As a result, Ginger & Drum was born, cashing in on the fact that ginger chicks seem to be so damn popular at the moment and that we had grown to love high-energy synth pop in our adventures overseas.

How would you describe Ginger & Drums sound?

Sexy, synth pop, with some rocking live drums thrown in the mix.

What are the duo’s major influences?

Passion Pit, Florence + The Machine, and Foster the People, with a bit of alternate and folk stuff thrown in too.

What the best things about writing and performing as a duo?

Travelling in one car, having more musical influence and not having to organise a bunch of musos. Being in a big band can sometimes feel like being in a lot of high-maintenance relationships at once, where the music replaces the sex.

When is the EP due out and what is it called?

Soon! Hopefully by June/July this year. Doesn’t have a name yet, still yet to think of something clever.

Is there an overarching theme to the EP?

Love, Life, Rent, Drugs, Fire, Shame, Secrets, Animals and Guns….so not really I suppose.

What’s been the favourite gig you’ve played so far?

I’d say either when we were last at Spectrum or at FBi Social — any time the crowd is having a dance, getting rowdy and yelling out our tunes.

What does being in an indie band mean to you?

Freedom! Being able to play whatever we think sounds solid, like a solid track, without judgement of what it should or shouldn’t be.

How important is the upcoming Kittens’ event for indie music in Sydney?

Super, a great opportunity for people to swing by and catch local indie Sydney bands.

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