Guide To Iso: What Josef Salvat’s Been Cooking, Literally

There’s no way around it, our world has been turned upside down these past few months as the world grapples with trying to slow the spread of coronavirus. Social gatherings are a no-go, live events have been put on an extended hiatus and those of us who aren’t working daily on the frontlines battling this virus and in essential services, are confined to the walls of our homes, more so than ever before. We’ve had to adapt to this new normal of self-isolation and adapt fast.

Luckily, the Australian music and arts community are just that – a community. Ready, willing and able to help each other through these strange times with tips, tricks and some good old know-how, all featured in our new Guide To Iso series!

Next up in the series, is Aussie born pop savant Josef Salvat who is spending quarantine at home in the UK. Josef’s new album ‘Modern Anxiety’ is out today and honestly, there couldn’t be a more apt album title for its time. When he’s not writing and performing heart-wrenchingly honest bangers, it turns out he’s making food so delicious, it’ll seal the deal on a budding ‘will-they-won’t-they’ kind of romance. Generous soul that he is, Josef has kindly offered to share his love potion recipe for us here.

Josef Salvat – How To Win Hearts With My Steak, Kale, Orange & Avo Salad

About this dish

One of my go-to dishes in ISO has been this steak and kale, orange and avo salad. I made this just before quarantine started for my latest crush and it sealed the deal. Then corona happened, so we’re still living off the fumes of this salad. I’ve been making it for myself as the days have gone because it only takes about 20 minutes to prepare and is super filling. Apart from the steak, it’s cheap too. Saying that you can forgo the steak if you want but then you can’t forget the avo (like I have here).

What you’ll need

A small bowl of Coriander
A small bowl of Parsley
2 Cloves of Garlic, chopped
1 Orange, juiced
Olive Oil
Red Wine Vinegar

Flaked Almonds
1 Orange, cut into segments
1 Avocado, cut into segments

For the chef:
Wine, as much as you like.

How to do it:

Stream/download Josef Salvat’s latest record Modern ‘Anxiety’, out today.

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