Kerser – The Real Side Of Campbelltown

It’s a hot summer’s day, the weather is nudging 40 degrees, and Sydney rapper Kerser really can’t be bothered doing anything. However, in the last few months he’s been super busy – not just reppin’ his hometown of Campbelltown non-stop.

Kerser released his debut album The Nebuliser in October, and he’s preparing to tour the record in February. He also took on Melbourne hip hop star 360 in a sold-out rap battle last month – which caused plenty of hype on the internet. But, as Music Feeds discovers, despite what appears to be a very public rivalry, Kerser doesn’t exactly hate the Throw It Away hitmaker.

Music Feeds: Up to much today, Kerser?

Kerser: Naa man. I woke up motivated to do something, and the weather was too harsh. Once I walked outside and felt the sun, I was like, ‘fuck that.’ I’m lazy, but it’s impossible in this weather.

MF: Don’t blame you. I’m sitting back watching the cricket. Do you like to do that when it’s hot?

K: Yeah, but I like watching Rugby League more though.

MF: Being from Campbelltown, I presume you’re a Bulldogs fan?

K: Actually, I go for the Dragons. It should be the Bulldogs though!

MF: I bet you cop a lot over that from your mates?

K: Oh yeah, during footy season they just don’t stop, they’re hatin’ all the time. But I’ve converted my girlfriend and she’s now got a guernsey and everything, so it’s alright!

MF: You seem to draw on Campbelltown a lot in your songs – are you trying to get the town on the map?

K: It just comes out a lot when I’m writing my stuff. I’ve lived here my whole life and I like telling people about the real side of Campbelltown.

MF: You’ve become a bit of a YouTube sensation – some of your clips have had hundreds of thousands of views; did you ever think that would happen?

K: Not at all man. When I first started putting clips up, if they hit 200 overnight I’d be cheering. Now they’re hitting 10,000 overnight. I still spin out about it ay, it’s just crazy.

MF: You’ve produced a lot of clips and regularly upload stuff – is that just to keep the momentum going and give something back to your fans?

K: I try to drop a new song or so every month, sometimes even 2 or 3 get out there. It all started with the battles and then I kept on releasing stuff; and if it’s not a song or a battle then I get Hussle Hard TV down and film something at my place.

MF: You had a bit of an online stoush with 360 last month – culminating in a sold-out rap battle in Melbourne. Were you happy with how it all went?

K: I reckon it went good, the whole setup and how they put it together was great. It lived up to the hype and I reckon people will be arguing about the outcome for a while to come.

MF: Do you think the battle has done lots for your profile, even though it wasn’t judged and there was no official winner?

K: Yeah I do, it’s definitely helped more than it hasn’t; there’s a lot of people talking and stuff. We did have people offer to judge it on the night and I was cool with that, but 360 wasn’t. He messaged me afterwards and said we could send some videos over to judges in America and have it judged that way, but I reckon it should have been done on the night. Plus a few people over there know 360 already so I didn’t think it would be that fair.

MF: Deep down, do you really like the guy – or do you think he’s a tosser?

K: People think we hate each other but we’re mates; he’s a decent bloke. I didn’t like some of his tactics in the battle – he twisted the truth a lot and I thought that was a bit dirty. But other than that I think he’s a good bloke.

MF: Do you reckon all these battles make you unique as an Aussie hip hop artist?

K: Definitely. The subject matter of stuff I rap about makes me unique. Some will say it’s controversial, but it’s just all about what goes on around here and how I’m living. Campbelltown has a big part in that too.

MF: And you’re touring around the country in February – what can people expect from the shows?

K: I’m pumped, my mates and I have put a lot into the set, it’s gonna be crazy ay. It’s gonna be very hyped up and very energetic – just a crazy live performance man.

Click here for all of Kerser’s upcoming tour dates.

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