Kosmetika (Supplied)

PREMIERE: Kosmetika Fire up the Synths on the Goth-Pop ‘Psycho TV’

Kosmetika’s latest single, ‘Psycho TV’, is an abrasive new wave track that addresses the constant challenges faced by someone experiencing ADHD. The single is out on Thursday, 23rd February via Spoilsport Records. Music Feeds is premiering ‘Psycho TV’ along with a music video from director James Morris.

‘Psycho TV’ will feature on Kosmetika’s upcoming second album, Illustration, which is due for release in the second half of April. The album has its origins in the bedroom studio of co-founders Michael Ellis and Veeka Nazarova, who began chipping away at a new collection of songs during Melbourne’s various Covid lockdowns.

Kosmetika – ‘Psycho TV’

Kosmetika - Psycho TV (Official Video)

The resulting album is substantively different to the band’s 2019 debut, Pop Soap. “It has more attitude and sinister sound to it, yet at the same time it’s dreamy and still very much pop music,” Nazarova said in a statement shared with Music Feeds.

In ‘Psycho TV’, Nazarova represents the experience of ADHD through the example of an all-consuming television screen.

“It’s about procrastination, feeling guilty and punishing yourself for not just walking away from that TV and concentrating on better things to do,” she said. “I guess ‘Psycho TV’ also explores the idea of surfing the internet for hours when you could be doing more important things.”

‘Psycho TV’ is something of an outlier on the Illustration tracklist given it features lyrics in English. The majority of Illustration is sung in Nazarova’s native Russian.

“These days I barely speak Russian to anyone, so I decided to challenge myself and write a bunch of poems/lyrics in my language just to prove myself I can still do it,” she said.

“One of the intentions of having Russian lyrics in Illustration was to see how people would respond to a foreign language and what images they would get in their heads hearing our new songs.”

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