Blessed Are The Obsessed: Monster Truck – The Perfect Balance Between Sexy And Bad-Ass

Conceived in 2009, Monster Truck have kept a fairly low presence in Australia – not anymore. The Canadian sludgy cock rockers have released a clip for the latest single ‘Love Attack’ featured on their most recent release The Brown EP. You think you can party? You got nothing on these cats. Monster Truck preach a new level of trashy, filthy, dirty rock and after a listen to these guys, you’ll be totally converted.

Watch: Monster Truck – Love Attack

Blessed Are The Obsessed: What’s your name and what’s you’re role in the band?

Jeremy Widerman: My name is Jeremy Widerman and I play guitar and sing in MT.

BATO: You’ve just released the clip for ‘Love Attack’ can you give us a bit of a run down?

JW: We had an idea for this video about 2 years ago when we initially wrote the song…we thought it would be really great to just get a bunch of our friends hammered and party really hard in a nasty looking bar. Add babes, bikes, chicken wire fence, and a handful of crazy characters and make it crazy. It worked out really well, I just don’t’ think any of us thought we’d actually get to make the video. It ended up being a really really fun day. I think I slept for about 14 hours after we wrapped.

BATO: Monster Truck are the perfect balance between sexy and bad ass, how did you guys do it?

JW: Long ago there were 4 rings carved from a unicorn’s horn by the highest elder’s of rock history. The rings were spread out over the land of Hamiltonia (now know as Hamilton) They were protected by various dangerous foes and villains deep with Hamiltonian’s mountain ranges. Each member of the band was to seek out the rings and only once they had captured all 4 would they be able to all meet up and realize their rock destiny. It took 4 years and the lives of 4 able bodied mountain goats however once the rings were reunited we were able to create the ultimate alliance, granting us unfathomable rock ferocity and sex appeal. But seriously though…Just luck and chance I suppose

BATO: The band was formed in the wake of some other projects, what was the reason behind creating Monster Truck?

JW: It was really simple…we were just sick of going to clubs and bars and not hearing a band like this…. it just seemed really simple and obvious to do. Just have a lot of fun playing an amalgamation of all our favourite bands from the 70′s. As well as throwing in some flavour from our favourite grunge and punk bands.

BATO: You’re EP The Brown EP is now up for grabs, any warnings for people before they check it out?

JW: Not really…it’s for people that want some stoner/classic rock mixed with some new school flavours…Those looking for a revival need not apply really. We’re not just trying to wake the dead we’re trying to birth something new as well.

BATO: Alexisonfire’s George Pettit collaborates on the track ‘Sworded Beest’, how did that come about?

JW: Brandon (our organ player) has known George for a long time and we really just wanted to have someone else help out on that track. Steve (our drummer) suggested George because he thought it would be fitting and once we began the process of trying to integrate him it all just came together. Having George show up to the studio and not knowing what he had come up with and then just seeing him nail it on the first try was really fun and exciting. I was fist pumping and Angus strutting all over the control room.

BATO: What does 2012 hold for Monster Truck?

JW: A new full length and a fuck load of touring!!

BATO: I think what’s most important however…when can we see you guys down under?

JW: See ya in 2012 – I hope!

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