Each week the Music Feeds team hunt down their favourite new tunes, bundle them up in some (often highly legible) words and bring them to you. It’s Music Feeds Faves.
Shearin’ – Sydney
Keeping things underground and local for my Music Feeds Fave for this week, with brand new Sydney garage punk outfit Shearin’ and their cracking requiem for Sydney’s nightlife, simply titled Sydney. An explosive slice of stinging guitars and razor sharp ocker lyrics in the style of the Cosmic Psychos, Shearin’ aren’t the band Sydney wants, they’re the band Sydney needs.
Guitarist Brenton Freeman grabs some attention with his ripping guitar solo half way through, but it’s the lyrics that steal the show, with vocalist Jeremy Hyland throwing out some gold like “Barangaroo is where I’ll take me mum, because that’s where we know have to have fun,” or the equally great “those fat cats, they want more booze, and Kings Cross, they silenced us for a property boom,” all screamed in the raspy voice of your local pubs veteran regulars. / Mike Carr, Staff Writer
Doe Paoro – Growth/Decay
L.A. based singer-songwriter Doe Paoro first burst onto my life dashboard a few years back with the Justin Vernon produced The Wind, and although she’s taken her god damn sweet time (I forgive you tho bb) her debut full-length After is finally out today.
Growth/Decay is the most recent single from the LP and like the title promises it soars and drops several times across its three minute run, grabbing you by neck and hurling you off a cliff, only to land on some swirly, woozy synth-clouds. Her voice alone is enough to penetrate your inner-mind and set up shop forever, but combined with the exploding and rescinding beats of this track, it becomes tattooed on your very skin, an irremovable ink stain constantly transforming across your body. UGH SO GOOD STOP IT I CANT TAKES NO MORE. / Mitch Feltscheer, Creative Content Director.
DJ Paypal – Awakening
So footwork met jazz and became either “footjazz” or “jazzwork” compliments of Berlin-based DJ Paypal, whose upcoming mini-album Sold Out drops on 13th November via Flying Lotus’ Brainfeeder label. / Tom Williams, Staff Writer
Jack Stirling – Honey
Anyone here who proudly owns and wears one of those god awful Disco Sucks t-shirts can take a walk right now (by way of the ocean) because I’m about to lay some disco fire underneath your sad boogie-hating butts.
Honey is the second single from Melbourne, by way of Perth, muso Jack Stirling and it’s a sparkling piece of new disco magic, brimming with falsetto, glittering synths and some undeniable hooks. It’s part Prince, part Scissor Sisters and so funky it’ll make you want to rip up that crappy t-shirt and douse yourself in body glitter instead. / Nastassia Baroni, Editor
Tamper – Wild Eyes (Local Natives cover)
Local Natives are one of my all-time favourite bands, with one simple listen to any of their songs able to transport me to a specific time and place, generally associated with the carefree bliss of youth. Ah to be young and insanely fiscally irresponsible again. *buys $300 worth of ASOS the day after payday*
Anyway, such is my adoration for the LA based outfit, that in order for me to even finish listening to a cover song of one of theis, it has to be something truly special. Enter Tamper and this delectable, sprightly cover of Wide Eyes, with a xylophonic backing beat and buzzing, warm synths taking it to a whole other level. / Mitch Feltscheer, Creative Content Director