Only The Sea Slugs – Skating in high socks

Only The Sea Slugs have been working on an EP and are about to give us all a taste with some shows around Sydney in the coming weeks. Their unusual name goes hand in hand with their blend of hip hop, dark pop and guitar driven rock. The guys give us an introduction to Only The Sea Slugs and why we should check them out.

MF: Give us a run down on Only The Sea Slugs?

OTSS: We are a five-piece moody, hip hop, dark swing, rock band; that’s probably the best way to describe it. Been about for three and half years, started in a boat shed, and moved to a rustic old warehouse covered in dust and ping pong balls. Currently recording our Debut EP and touring/showcasing songs from it over the next two months.

MF: What influences the songwriting process for Only The Sea Slugs?

OTSS: Conversations, drinking, laughter, nightmares, the ocean, monotony, travel and the streets.

MF: Are there any plans for an album soon?

OTSS: Deadline is for 2013-2014. Summer. Maybe.

MF: Describe the Sydney music scene in one word?

OTSS: Sometimes.

MF: September sees you playing a residency at Spectrum; how did you land that one?

OTSS: We have two lovely chaps from Big Tree Artists repping us; they scored it. We are just gonna make them three fresh nights of tunes and togetherness.

MF: What can we find the band members doing when not playing music?

OTSS: Weirdness.

Zoran- the search for the ultimate foot

Scott- Scouring vegan restaurants for tofu

Sasha- Skating in high socks

Dean- Doing squats

Liam- Playing fantasy football

MF: The band name: a serious and unanimous decision or a joke that keeps going?

OTSS: It was the weirdest, most unassuming name outta a list of em; we didn’t wanna sound tough or dark or hard or cool – just weird.

MF: Why should the punters head out to catch your show?

OTSS: Everyone gets our newly polished Free///Spree CD, in a showbag with a prophylactic, and other bands FREE EPs and Demos. There will be lots of lamps on too.

MF: If you were to make a mix tape, what’s the very first track you’d put on?

OTSS: Return of the G – Outkast .

Only The Sea Slugs play Mum @ Worldbar this Friday 20th August

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