Santigold’s second album, Master of My Make-Believe, is arguably one of the most imaginative releases of 2012. As the album title suggests, Master of My Make-Believe represents Santigold’s desire to sieze control of her imagination and, to borrow a phrase from the American singer, ‘become the ruler of her own creative reality’.
With the vision and nerve to trust her artistic instinct, even when at times the outcome was unclear, Santigold fashioned a truly variegated record. Singles Big Mouth, Disparate Youth and The Keepers along with album tracks God From The Machine and The Riot’s Gone represent Santigold’s diversity as a songwriter.
In the following interview, Santigold openly discusses her bond with creativity, while establishing the relationship between imagination and music. Down to earth, friendly and without cynicism, Santigold speaks on maintaining her imagination into adulthood, inspiration from Jamaica and the virtues of meditation.
Committed to remaining in-tune with her subconscious, Santigold has harnessed her imagination into a career of creativity.
Interviewer’s Note: Two instances occur that momentarily disrupt the interview that may be unclear without visual aid. At 10:18 Santigold takes a sip of tea that’s too-strong and at 10:45 it sound as though someone was crash tackled in the hotel lobby.
Listen: Santigold Interview, Sydney