PREMIERE: Hippie & Punk Collide In Valentina Brave’s New Visual Knock On The Patriarchy, ‘I Met A Man’

Aussie warrior songstress Valentina Brave has unleashed the visuals for her new heavy soul war cry ‘I Met A Man’, described as an unapologetic assault on the patriarchy and the status quo.

Starring an all-female cast, the official music video for the powerful single evokes vintage hippie and punk imagery and paintings in a mesmerising montage.

“This video intentionally stars an all female cast and crew and features two incredible artists who painted the Car Mural, Camilla Croft and MLAK,” Valentina explains. “The song is a war cry and a warning. It goes out to ‘the man’. To the Patriarchy who have been annihilating women’s sacred roles and slowly but surely killing our planet.

“Women have been kept out of places of power and influence for thousands of years and has resulted in destruction, greed, environmental catastrophe and humanitarian crisis,” she continues.

“We are no longer asking for a chance to contribute, a voice or equality, we are taking it. And those of us who are privileged enough to have the opportunity to rebel, rise and to fight, must do it on behalf of those who cannot. Until everyone is free, no one is free.”

Brave explains that it was important for her to make the video a celebration of female empowerment and “our innate connection to the earth and to spirit”.

“In ancient texts from many faiths, beliefs and cultures, women are the original keepers of sacred lore, the healers and wild ones who hear when the earth speaks to us,” she explains.

“…I also wanted to highlight that we are done with playing it safe and keeping our selves neat, tidy and controlled for the sake of not causing a scene. I wanted to cause a scene. I wanted to acknowledge the ones who are thrashing against the system.

“We are not mad, we are as wild as a cosmic storm and this film is a celebration of the uprising and reclaiming of our sovereign selves and our place in a world that urgently needs the balance restored. Artistically to bring this vision to life, I decided to build a chariot and embed it with sacred symbols and political protest images.”

By that, she means she bought a car on an online shopping site for $300 and drove it unregistered from Byron Bay to Lennox Head, where she got a mate to angle grind the roof off.

“The artists spent two days painting beautiful murals all over it,” Valentina explains.

“Treaty, Fracking, and Refugee Asylum Seekers are referenced along with a huge life affirming Egyptian Ankh, Moth, Water Siren, The Goddess, Third Eye activation and a call to PUNK THE SYSTEM! The old proverb, “They thought they could bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds” came to me a lot during the making if this film. The goddess is rising and SHE CANNOT BE SILENCED. SHE CANNOT BE TAMED.”

Watch the fruits of their labour, premiering exclusively via Music Feeds, below.

Valentina Brave - I Met a Man (Official Video)

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