Image: Vimeo

PREMIERE: Watch An Artist Bring Holy Holy’s Moody New Track ‘Willow Tree’ To Life On Canvas

It’s rare, as fans, to witness a piece of art being brought to life. We are, usually, consumers of final products, experiencing an artist’s work in its fullest form – a song, an album, a painting – while the process of creation remains shrouded in mystery. With their forthcoming new album PAINT, Holy Holy are lifting that shroud. Here’s how:

In the lead up to PAINT‘s release on February 24th, Holy Holy are rolling out the Painting to PAINT collaborative series. The project features videos of four local Australian artists creating a complete, unique work of art inspired by a song from the album. Today we are premiering Newcastle artist Lottie Consalvo’s interpretation of PAINT track ‘Willow Tree’.

“Music can move you emotionally before you even know what the song is about,” explains Consalvo. “For me, when I see a painting I admire I am moved to this same place, where there are no words, just a feeling that is greater than reason, a feeling of being overwhelmed before I even know what I am looking at.”

The video for ‘Willow Tree’ shows Consalvo in the throws of this feeling, translating it to the canvas with liberal and bold brush strokes. “Willow Tree is one of our favourites on the record. That rubbery moog outro always feels good to play live,” says Holy Holy’s Tim Carroll. “So we were really pleased when we found out Lottie had chosen it as her song for the project. Lottie style is powerful and emotive and suits the song well.”

Each artist featured in the Painting to PAINT series was selected by Holy Holy’s Tim Carroll and Oscar Dawson and Newcastle artist James Drinkwater who also created the artwork for PAINT and is featured in the project’s first video for ‘That Message’. The four separate videos in the project were filmed and edited by award winning local Australian director, Charlie Ford. The remaining clips feature local artists Ben Kenning and Chris Horder.

“This project has allowed a rare crossing of the line that exists between the Australian contemporary music scene and the Australian contemporary art world,” says Carroll. “There is an opportunity here to see how an artist who operates in the visual world, interprets and responds to a work created in the sonic one.”

PAINT is out this Friday, February 24th and can be pre-ordered here. Watch ‘Willow Tree’ be brought to life on canvas here below.

Watch: Holy Holy – ‘Willow Tree’ (Painting To Paint Episode 2: Lottie Conslavo)

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