Q&A: Gordi Talks Upcoming Of Monsters & Men Tour & What To Expect From Her In 2016

Oh lordy, have you heard of Gordi? Spending the last year supporting Aussie heavy-hitters such as Josh Pyke and Ben Lee, the 22-year-old has certainly made an impression.

The Sydney local is more than a support act though, with singles such as Nothing’s As It Seems and Can We Work It Out making her unique craft of indie pop and folktronica a fave among the likes of Triple J and FBi Radio. With a debut EP in the works and a supporting slot with Of Monsters and Men in May, Gordi is five letters you won’t want to forget anytime soon.

We have a chat with the songstress about life on the road, harnessing her many influences and what’s on the cards for 2016.

MF: You’ve been touring a lot over the last year, have you developed any pre-show or touring rituals along the way?

Gordi: Funnily enough the more shows I’ve done, the less of a routine I have. I think because the conditions are always so different. Sometimes you have a really nice restful afternoon prior to a show and sometimes you land in another city, go to the venue and have a 20-minute changeover and line check before the show starts. It is important for me to have some downtime before I go on stage though, whether it’s an hour or 5 minutes, I need to be by myself to catch my breath and think through what’s about to happen.

MF: What has been the most eye-opening part of touring alongside some of the acts you’ve supported?

Gordi: I think the professionalism of the acts I’ve toured with has been eye opening. People have this idea that being “on the road” is like one big party and it certainly can be, but the acts I have the most respect for are the ones that treat their shows like a profession rather than a party. It’s made me look at my own performance differently and I focus now on getting up and delivering the best show that I can for the audience’s sake and for my own. Then party.


MF: Who would be your ideal support act and why?

Gordi: Justin Bieber is regaining cred with the cool crowd and I’m sure he’d get on board to do a small-time support tour so probably him.

MF: You have a pretty hectic schedule. How have you managed to juggle studying full-time, travelling on the road and creating new tunes?

Gordi: I get a lot of help. My team is very supportive of my schedule and are incredibly accommodating when I don’t have time to do things. It can get a bit stressful but I just try and allocate time for specific things and use it efficiently. Music always gets busy in bursts so I try to make sure I’m on top of my study when I know there’s a tour coming up.

MF: As a multi-instrumentalist, singer and songwriter, which were you drawn to first and what’s your favourite?

Gordi: Singing is what comes most naturally to me and it’s the most rewarding because I think the most intimate way to connect to an audience is through your voice. Playing the guitar and piano is more like a therapy and I guess combining them all gave me songwriting. I started out on the piano when I was about 4 and guitar at 10 and I feel choosing a favourite would be like choosing a favourite child (as in, obviously I have one but I can’t say it out loud).

MF: Your sound is reminiscent of a variety of genres and time periods. Who or what would you describe as your major musical influences?

Gordi: I grew up on Carol King, James Taylor and Billy Joel so that period of music has enormous influence on my songwriting. They all write these heart-wrenching, honest ballads that put a great emphasis on telling a story through lyrics and I think that’s something that has remained very important to me. These days artists like Asgeir, The Tallest Man on Earth and bands like Of Monsters and Men, Florence and the Machine really influence the production of my tracks and at the heart of their music is still the emphasis on a song that tells a story.


MF: Last year you hinted that your debut EP is due for release in 2016. How’s that going and when can we expect to hear it?

Gordi: It will definitely be out in early 2016 (sometime in the next few months)! It’s been a long time coming but I’m hoping it will be worth the wait. I’m really excited to get these new tracks out there, the last of which is almost finished. It’s been a blood, sweat and tears type process but I like to think that’s a very nurturing environment for creativity!

MF: You’re supporting Of Monsters and Men on their Australian tour in May. What’s your strategy for rousing up the crowd?

Gordi: Maybe a few smashed guitars, fireworks, on-stage fires type stuff. And if all that fails, I’m hoping the audience will find something in my songs that they can connect with.

MF: What are you looking forward to most about the tour?

Gordi: Just meeting Of Monsters and Men! They have such a huge influence over the music I create and I saw them play at Splendour last year, which was a highlight. I’m keen to see their live setup because where they’re at is somewhere I’d love to be one day. It will be the biggest crowds I’ve ever played to so that’s pretty exciting as well.

MF: 2015 was a pretty massive year. What can we expect from Gordi in 2016?

Gordi: I’m really excited about 2016, I’ll be heading overseas, releasing some new music and announcing a debut album release. 2015 was a lot about groundwork and 2016 will be too, but it’s so nice to feel some of that work paying off already this year and I’m so looking forward to what’s coming up.

Gordi is supporting Of Monsters and Men this April and May, check out the full details below!


Of Monsters And Men Australian Tour Dates

With Gordi

Tickets on sale now.

Thursday, 28th April – SOLD OUT

The Tivoli, Brisbane (18+)

Tickets: Ticketmaster

Friday, 29th April – NEW SHOW

The Tivoli, Brisbane (18+)

Tickets: Ticketmaster

Sunday, 1st May

Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall (all ages)

Tickets: Opera House

Monday, 2nd May

Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall (all ages)

Tickets: Opera House

Wednesday, 4th May – SOLD OUT

Palais Theatre, Melbourne (all ages)

Tickets: Ticketmaster

Thursday, 5th May

Palais Theatre, Melbourne (all ages)

Tickets: Ticketmaster

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